Love Hour

Loving Thy Enemies – Part Two

By John Renesch / December 7, 2020 / 0 Comments

December 2020 [Last month my editorial focused on “Loving Thy Enemies” and more has been revealed since. I suggest reading “part one” (see link above) if you haven’t done so; then read this follow-on piece] Several people who read last month’s editorial shared how difficult it was to think of an enemy as I defined […]

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Loving Thy Enemies: The Challenge for Our Time

By John Renesch / October 28, 2020 / 1 Comment

November 2020 Loving our enemies is no longer merely a nice idea advocated by Jesus Christ and other spiritual prophets throughout history. It no longer fits exclusively into Sunday School classes, catechism studies, or theology discussions.  Loving our enemies has become a requisite for our survival. Hate is killing us. Division and separation is destroying […]

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Finding Truth: Real Facts Versus False Beliefs

By John Renesch / October 6, 2020 / 0 Comments

October 2020 Recently one of my newsletter subscribers took issue with an editorial I wrote in which I was critical of people who were ignoring protocol for preventing the spread of COVID-19. The reader challenged the wisdom of wearing masks and admitted he wasn’t sure they didn’t add to the infection rate instead of minimizing […]

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Human Adulthood and The Great Growing Up

By John Renesch / August 29, 2020 / 0 Comments

September 2020 The point I was making when I wrote The Great Growing Up book was that the human species needs to stop acting like adolescents and grow up into fully functioning adulthood, being responsible for our collective future. In my more recent delving into non-dualism, Advaita and unity consciousness I discovered a writer who […]

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A Time for We to Transcend Me

By John Renesch / August 1, 2020 / 0 Comments

August 2020 As of yet, I haven’t written anything on the two crises the world is currently dealing with right now – racism and the COVID-19 pandemic; but I awoke the other day with the urge to speak to a principle underlying both of them.  I see the matter as a conflict between individual liberty […]

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Remembering Angie

By John Renesch / June 29, 2020 / 0 Comments

July 2020 Angeles Arrien (1940-2014) was a beloved colleague whose influence lives on in me to this day. “Angie,” as most of her friends called her, was a Basque-American cultural anthropologist, educator, author, lecturer, and consultant, best known for her book The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Healer, Teacher and Visionary. In […]

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The Nondual and Dualistic Jitterbug

By John Renesch / June 4, 2020 / 0 Comments

June 2020 Studying the philosophy of unity conscious, what the ancient Hindus called Adavita* or what many modern sages call “nondual,” I have noticed a shortage of graphical depictions that might be helpful for people who are visual learners. As a result, I  created a graphic in an attempt to describe and distinguish the two […]

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Nondualism as a Re-Framing of Perspective

By John Renesch / May 1, 2020 / 4 Comments

May 2020 Christopher Davis is a Northern California-based consultant who offers the Wa Explorations teachings on dissolving suffering which he defines as not experiencing the delicious opportunity of life. Suffering often shows up as having experiences that you don’t think you should be having whether that is a political party in power that you disagree […]

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John at New Leaders offices

I Made My Living Looking Foolish

By John Renesch / March 31, 2020 / 0 Comments

April 2020 Looking back on the most recent part of my career, say, the last thirty or forty years, it occurred to me that I made a living by being willing to say and write things that went against the grain for most people. I see how I was willing to be unreasonable and even […]

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Misdirection: A Key Tool for Magicians and the Negative Ego

By John Renesch / February 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

March 2020 Most of us have heard that one of the most valuable resources for a magician is the ability to misdirect the audience’s attention so the illusion will appear even more magical. Here’s what Wikipedia says about misdirection: Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on […]

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Mini Keynote Archives
