What People Are Saying About John

Stanford University School of Business, Michael Ray, Professor Emeritus: John is a beacon lighting the way to a new paradigm.
Adobe Systems, Inc., Chris Ewert, Director Marketing Operations: John not only sees that business leadership has to change, he offers a simple and pragmatic solution that requires no budgets, no committees, no time - simply change the way we think!...John's vision for business leadership is more relevant than ever!
The Discovery Channel, Ruth Otte, Former President: A new kind of leadership is required to build a better future. John Renesch eloquently illuminates a fresh, thoughtful, hopeful path.
Johnson & Johnson Company's LifeScan, Inc., Richard Caligaris, Director, Global Strategic Marketing: John's address to our team exceeded my expectations. He expanded our context in many ways, causing our team to think outside the box as we move forward on discovery and development of new products.
AIG Global Investment Corp. (Switzerland), Julia Balandina, Head of Sustainable Investment Group: ....refreshing, daring and thoughtfull, full of positive energy that can move the mountains.
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Judy Phillip, Manager: You continue to open my eyes in many areas and it is almost like pursuing an MBA in life's experiences. Keep on sharing and encouraging us...
International Center for Spirit at Work, founder Judi Neal, Awesome...the most thought-provoking and evocative speaker around today. John is deeply committed to the future and has a gift for seeing and describing the important issues facing humankind.
Ethos Institute 2006 Annual Conference delegate Rosa Alegria, Co-President of NEF Núcleo de Estudos do Futuro (Brazil):
John enlightened the audience with his positive and healing message....one of the most remarkable moments of the four days.
Inspiring Business Leadership Forum, Gold Coast, Australia, Peter Doyle, Director: John delivered delightful pearls of wisdom that evoked wonderful new learning possibilities for delegates during our Inspiring Business Leadership Forum. Thank you for delivering world class business thinking in such an accessible down to earth way for us Australians.
Industry Week magazine Former Editor-at-Large Tom Brown: Renesch talks about leadership that is plainly not in evidence in most companies today...W. Edwards Deming was no instant hero...Peter Drucker has confessed that not all of his clients...welcomed his counsel. Is John Renesch in that league? Read his writings yourself, then decide.
The Company of Leaders, Robert Dunham, Founder, and CEO of Enterprise Performance: John's presentation to The Company of Leaders produced numerous comments of appreciation for his opening new horizons for thinking, and acting, as leaders.
Prairie View, Inc., Tamara Herl, Director: John's words made me realize how important it is for those who feel the anguish of the corporate world to channel that into positive action.
The Commonwealth Club of California, Carol Holding, Member: John Renesch's address to our club on the anniversary of September 11 was timely and provocative. The fact that this program was chosen for radio broadcast made it available to many people who could not attend. He makes you think!
Warren Bennis, leadership expert, author and distinguished professor, USC: John Renesch is a wise elder who shines with wisdom.
Robert White, Chairman at Extraordinary People LLC: John Renesch is a unique talent -- previously an editor of important books and anthologies, the founder and editor of the best newsletter on leadership ever produced, a thoughtful and insightful futurist and a man who walks his talk. He's the first person I think of when I want "straight talk" about organizations in the twenty-first century and my role as a leader.
Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario (HRPAO): Thank you for speaking...a great success ... thank you for making it our biggest and best ever!...You made the difference!
Ministry of National Security, Trinidad, John Edwards, HR Director: Thanks again for invaluable insight and new learnings.
Institute of Noetic Sciences, Rose Welch, Community Network Director: John's presentation during our Frontiers of Consciousness Lecture Series in San Francisco, awakened the group past our general assumptions about how we think things have to be and made us explore new territory for new possibilities. We look forward to his future presentations to our membership.
Industry Week magazine former Editor-in-Chief, Perry Pascarella: John Renesch is a true visionary who sees the potential to rise above our failings and take the next step in human evolution before our system collapses.
Women's Radio Founder, Pat Lynch Barrett: John is the embodiment of both great humility and great genius, a man ahead of his time who is here to lead us -- those of us who are lucky enough to find him and read his works -- into the possibility of a bright new era.
Barry Heermann, author, Building Team Spirit: ...He is the single most important harbinger on the business scene. He points the way boldly.
Civil Aviation Authority, Trinidad-Tobago, Francis Regis: Thanks very much...it was a very rewarding experience.
World Business Academy, Vitor Morgensztern, board member, WBA Brazil: John addressed our "Meeting of Presidents" at the Willis Harman House and it couldn't have gone better. His clearness, perception and good humor enchanted and illuminated our invited members.
Leadership America program director Amanda MacKenzie, Washington, DC: We are enormously grateful to you for giving the group a healthy base upon which to proceed along the lines of "new thinking" for the future.
David Tucker, Executive Director, The Pachamama Alliance: John's presentation on Getting to the Better Future was fantastic! A deeply engaging conversation that included the audience and stirred them in their seats. Certainly one of our best!
International Association of Educators for World Peace, Professor Michael Whitty, National Vice Chancellor: John Renesch is a global thought leader offering a new paradigm for resolving conflicts by transcending the historic polarities and seeking the common ground of humanities possible future. John is a brave, champion of the possible human.
Association for Spirit at Work, Judi Neal, Executive Director: He is the person I turn to when I am
trying to understand unfolding trends and patterns. I find him to be wise, challenging, humorous, authentic, and a person who always chooses the path of integrity.
Event organizer Bill DeFoore, PhD: John is the kind of speaker who immediately puts his audiences at ease, preparing them to stretch and consider new possibilities in the exciting arena of business and consciousness...a highly valuable resource for anyone interested in innovation and cutting-edge development.
World Future Society board member William Halal: John has great passion about his topics and it shows. He is committed to having business and spirituality become more integrated and understands that it can change the world. This idea is at the core of his being. He brings a wealth of experience to the topic. He's articulate and able to connect with his audience emotionally. He is direct, authentic and himself...there is a minimum of hype with John.
Small Business Development Center Wyoming, Diane Wolverton, State Director : John's presentation during our conference provided the audience with a powerful, truth-filled look at the future and thought provoking strategies. He demonstrated clearly that we can either hold on to old, outmoded paradigms or embrace new, sustainable ideas.
Grace Cathedral's "Grace Works" member, David Dugan: ...thank you for your provocative dialog and for giving the soul a meal to digest. The response was very positive and I believe you could see this from the questions and the dialog you sparked.
Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley, William Sonnenschein, Executive Leadership Senior Lecturer:
I knew how well John Renesch connected in professional settings; his visit to my undergraduate leadership communication class at Berkeley demonstrated how well he connects with EVERYONE! My students talked about his visit, his message, and him for weeks after he spoke. He delivered a valuable lesson, in leadership, in consciousness, in humility.
"Stop & Think Conference" (Porto Alegre, 2004), NGO Volunteer Partners Executive President, Maria Elena Pereira Johannpeter: John made the audience realize that we are all in a position to transform our reality; all we have to do is to believe that we can build a better future. He belongs to a group of outstanding people who can show us a new way of thinking. His ideas and concepts help the new generation to be more spiritually evolved and conscious about community demands.
California State Automobile Association (CSAA), Victoria Ingram, Sr. Org. Devel. Consultant: John's presentation helped us grasp the context for our responses to the rapidly expanding rate of change in our organization. His insights helped each of us understand the role of our thinking and choices in working within our organization, allowing each of us to find our own answers to the question, "I'm only one person, what can I do?"