It Isn’t a Question of Intention But Who is Doing the Intending?

By John Renesch / September 2, 2008 / 0 Comments

September 2008 In this issue: 1. Readers’ Comments 2. Newsbits 3. September Editorial: “It Isn’t a Question of Intention But Who is Doing the Intending?” 4. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 5. Quote of the Month – William James 6. Hot Link of the Month 7. Want to Blog? 8. Click and Play of the Month […]

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Please Remain Seated – Waiting to Die

By John Renesch / August 2, 2008 / 0 Comments

August 2008 In this issue: 1. Readers’ Comments 2. Newsbits 3. August Editorial: “Please Remain Seated” 4. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 5. Quote of the Month – Swami Muktananda 6. Hot Link of the Month 7. Want to Blog? 8. Click and Play of the Month 1. READERS’ COMMENTS Thanks to the kind tenth-anniversary notes […]

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Thinking Responsibly

By John Renesch / July 2, 2008 / 0 Comments

July 2008: 10th Anniversary Issue In this issue: 1. Readers’ Comments 2. Newsbits 3. July Editorial: “Thinking Responsibly” 4. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 5. Quote of the Month – Lewis Hyde 6. Hot Link of the Month 7. Want to Blog? 8. Click and Play of the Month 1.READERS’ COMMENTS A Note from Australia… June […]

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Shoppers’ Mind: Self-Identity Through Consumption

By John Renesch / June 2, 2008 / 0 Comments

JUNE 2008 In this issue: 1. Readers’ Comments 2. Newsbits 3. June Editorial: “Shoppers’ Mind” 4. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 5. Quote of the Month – Randy Pausch 6. Hot Link of the Month 7. Want to Blog? 8. Click and Play of the Month 1.READERS’ COMMENTS Judy Phillip, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Trinidad-Tabago, re: “The Preoccupied American” […]

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Living in a Tabloid Headspace Our Preoccupation With Trivia

By John Renesch / May 2, 2008 / 0 Comments

MAY 2008 In this issue: 1. Reader Comments 2. Newsbits 3. May Editorial: “Living in a Tabloid Headspace” 4. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 5. Quote of the Month – J. Krishnamurti 6. Hot Link of the Month 7. Want to Blog? 8. Click and Play of the Month 1.READER COMMENTS From Justine Toms of New […]

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The New Emancipation Proclamation

By John Renesch / April 2, 2008 / 0 Comments

APRIL 2008 In this issue: 1. Newsbits 2. April Editorial: “The New Emancipation Proclamation” 3. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 4. Quote of the Month – Arlin Adams 5. Hot Link of the Month 6. Want to Blog? 7. Click and Play of the Month 1.NEWSBITS Global Mind Change Video Global MindShift has a short video […]

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Gratification on Demand: Fuel for the Consumptive Culture

By John Renesch / March 2, 2008 / 0 Comments

MARCH 2008 In this issue: 1. Newsbits 2. March Editorial: “Gratification on Demand: Fuel for the Consumptive Culture” 3. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 4. Quote of the Month – Aldous Huxley 5. Hot Link of the Month 6. Want to Blog? 7. Click and Play of the Month 1. NEWSBITS Join Me and Sign the […]

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Becoming a Pragmatic Idealist

By John Renesch / February 2, 2008 / 0 Comments

FEBRUARY 2008 In this issue: 1. Newsbits 2. February Editorial: “Becoming a Pragmatic Idealist” 3. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 4. Quote of the Month – Gelett Burgess 5. Hot Link of the Month 6. Want to Blog? 7. Click and Play of the Month 1. NEWSBITS New Voice of Business Earlier this month I attended […]

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When Doing the Right Thing Becomes the Smart Thing To Do

By John Renesch / January 2, 2008 / 0 Comments

JANUARY 2008 In this issue: 1. Newsbits 2. January Editorial: “When Doing the Right Thing Becomes the Smart Thing To Do” 3. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 4. Quote of the Month – Mahatma Gandhi 5. Hot Link of the Month 6. Want to Blog? 7. “Click and Play” of the Month 1. NEWSBITS Come Blog […]

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Hyper-Capitalism: What Ever Happened to Free Markets?

By John Renesch / December 2, 1998 / 1 Comment

December 2008 In this issue: 1. Readers’ Comments 2. Newsbits 3. December Editorial: “Hyper-Capitalism: What Ever Happened to Free Markets?” 4. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 5. Quote of the Month – James Thurber 6. Hot Link of the Month 7. Want to Blog? 8. Click and Play of the Month 1. READERS’ COMMENTS Thanks to […]

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