Mini Keynote Editorials

A 20 Year Retrospective

August 2018 Back in 1998 when I started this newsletter, I recall seeing this quote from Tom Atlee, a fellow advocate of conscious evolution: I’ve come to believe that things are getting better and better and worse and worse, faster and faster, simultaneously. I invariably get a few nods and chuckles from people with whom […]
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What We Want…Really?

For all the talk about world peace and serenity, ending poverty and global warming, the reality we live in seems to remain pretty much unchanged. Do you ever wonder why this is? We have gone to the moon, invented incredible technologies, can appear holographically halfway around the world, but we seem unable to create a […]
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Time Magazine

No Simple Solutions for Complex Problems

July 2018 [This month’s editorial is a repeat of one I wrote twenty years ago in one of the earliest issues of this newsletter. It was published in August, 1998 without the pictures. Next month’s issue will mark the 20th anniversary of the newsletter.] Our modern problems are no longer the result of single agents […]
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Human Adulthood and The Great Growing Up

The point I was making when I wrote The Great Growing Up book was that the human species needs to stop acting like adolescents and grow up into full adulthood, being responsible for our collective future. In my more recent delving into non-dualism, Advaita and unity consciousness I have discovered a writer who has strong […]
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Other Writings: Beyond the Mini Keynote

June 2018 I often get asked if I do more writing than what appears here in my monthly newsletter. The answer is most definitely! Besides writing books and four or five articles a year for third-party publications (like futurist journals, Christian Science Monitor and others), I regularly write blogs for FutureShapers – the company I […]
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Remembering A Nuclear Crisis

  I was drafted in 1960, thankfully when we were not at war with anyone. Shortly after being discharged from the U.S. Army in the Summer of 1962, there was the Cuban Missile Crisis with the Soviet Union that was the biggest international crisis I have ever experienced that involved the very real possibility of […]
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Truth Versus Reality: Questioning Our Perceptions and Beliefs

May 2018 The more delving I do into the realm of non-duality/oneness/Advaita the more I am realizing that what we consider real is not necessarily true. Absolute truth is so difficult to define, particularly in a collective consciousness where most of the reality is a dualistic dream state or soap opera – a “Truman Show” […]
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Relooking at How Awards Are Given

  April 2018 Often I experience the existing paradigm as having a context of separatism while the more desirable new paradigm would possess a context of connectedness. Certainly these are not the only facets of the potential difference but they are important ones. Looking at this one facet, can you see how a worldview of […]
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50th Anniversary

Celebrating Fifty Years of Service: A Walk Down Memory Lane

March 2018 I awakened the other day realizing that I had formed my consulting firm in 1968 and, while it changed form a few times during the next half century, Renesch Advisory Services would celebrate its 50th anniversary this year! If my readers will indulge me a bit, I thought it might be fun (for […]
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Regret: Self-Directed Resentment

This is time of year when people consider New Year’s Resolutions, future aspirations, sometimes related to mistakes or omissions from the past. In a recent holidays gathering of friends, one man shared his own challenges with recurring regret over things he has done or not done expressing a desire to leap over them whenever they […]
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Mini Keynote Archives
