The Quest for Unity

By John Renesch / December 10, 2016 / 5 Comments

December 2016 After decades of reading about unity consciousness and the experience of oneness some people have accessed for themselves, I started having experiences in my life but I hadn’t realized they were of this kind until recently when I was developing the “Pyramid Model of Consciousness” for FutureShapers, with my business partner Tom Eddington. […]

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Which is the Greater Sin?

By John Renesch / November 4, 2016 / 3 Comments

November 2016 A woman I know unexpectedly lost her husband and was left feeling incomplete and remorseful. A friend suggested that she consult a shaman who served as a channel or bridge between those who have made the transition and those still here on earth. The session went very well, leaving her feeling quite serene. […]

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Rabbi Sacks

Wisdom From the 2016 Templeton Prize Winner

By John Renesch / July 4, 2016 / 0 Comments

July 2016 Described by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales as “a light unto this nation” and by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair as “an intellectual giant”, Rabbi Lord Jonathon Sacks was recently named the winner of the 2016 Templeton Prize in recognition of his “exceptional contributions to affirming life’s spiritual dimension.” Sacks, who served […]

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2008 Redux: Heading for Another Financial Crash

By John Renesch / June 4, 2016 / 0 Comments

June 2016   Since I have no financial or banking credential, but an occasional dosage of common sense, I do listen to those who are better informed yet not so heavily invested in the system that they staunchly defend it despite the signs that it is collapsing. Belgian banker Bernard Lietaer is one man who […]

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Champions of Transformation: The Importance of an Internal Advocate

By John Renesch / May 2, 2016 / 0 Comments

May 2016 Even though I’ve spent less than a year of my entire life working for a corporation, I have long held substantial empathy for corporate employees. This empathy has likely served as my motivation for working so many years on organizational transformation. Having been an executive coach for several decades now, I have heard […]

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2015 Cohort of Exemplars for the Conscious Leadership Yearbook

By John Renesch / April 2, 2016 / 0 Comments

April 2016 This latest cohort adds to the original edition which was published in 2013 and the 2014 cohort which will be combined into the first edition of the Conscious Leadership Yearbook later this year. Exemplars include people from education, civil society, mass media, government, business, consciousness and spirituality, service providers, law and justice, entertainment […]

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Unchange Yourself

By John Renesch / March 2, 2016 / 0 Comments

March 2016 People resist attempts to get them to change yet they spend lifetimes changing themselves. From a very early age we tend to make adjustments to who we are, trying to fit in, to be better liked, to be loved, to get along, etc. While we come into the world magnificently unique souls, unlike […]

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Becoming an Iconoclast

By John Renesch / February 1, 2016 / 4 Comments

  Feb 2016 Recently I have been researching exemplar candidates for inclusion in our Conscious Leadership Yearbook that we plan to publish soon for FutureShapers. One of the individuals I was researching was described by Wikipedia as an “iconoclast” and, curious, I decided to get to know that word a bit better. Here’s how Wikipedia […]

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Being Hopeful in Today’s World

By John Renesch / January 2, 2016 / 0 Comments

January 2016   I belong to a spiritual group that meets monthly at different members’ homes and focuses on a different theme each time. Our host this month suggested the following: In this period of challenging contradictions abroad and at home, please come and share your thoughts about “what sustains your hope.” What spiritual truths […]

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Mini Keynote Archives
