The Consequence Era

By John Renesch / December 5, 2012 / 1 Comment

December 2012 Futurist and consultant Hardy Schloer wrote an article in the November 2012 issue of the Club of Amsterdam Journal that cited a time window he calls “The Consequence Era” to which I had a palpable response. Perhaps it was because our adolescent ways tend to ignore consequences, much like teenagers don’t think about […]

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Our Biggest Sin: Pretending We Are Separate When We Are Connected

By John Renesch / November 2, 2012 / 5 Comments

November 2012 New Age rhetoric or truth? Fantasy or fact? What philosophers and mystics have been saying for years is now being confirmed by science. What indigenous people have known for millennia, modern researchers are now validating. We are all interconnected and “inner connected”. The ancient African philosophy unbuntu believes that my humanity, my beingness, […]

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Beyond Self Actualization: The FutureShapers Roundtables

By John Renesch / October 1, 2012 / 0 Comments

October 2012 For centuries, leaders of all types have found value in confiding with their peers. Heads of State seeking advice from their predecessors, heads of large corporations having confidential conversations with friends in similar positions, having private conversations with peers – even in a competing enterprise – are all examples of intimate wisdom circles […]

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Racing With Spirit: The Legend of Ayrton Senna

By John Renesch / September 1, 2012 / 2 Comments

September 2012 The other evening I watched a movie on TV that I had heard of when it was making the theatre circuit a year or so ago. This film merged two of my worlds which don’t usually go together – my deep interest in the spiritual realm and my longstanding interest in motorsports. As […]

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Organizing Ourselves Outside the Box

By John Renesch / August 3, 2012 / 0 Comments

August 2012 Here are five unconventional models of human organization, each unique and quite effective as they defy contemporary cultural traditions. I find them provocative. See how you respond to them. The first is a women’s softball league I only learned of recently. The Rohnert Park Women’s Low-Key Softball League celebrated its 40th anniversary earlier […]

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Forty Years Revisit of Club of Rome Book

By John Renesch / July 2, 2012 / 1 Comment

July 2012 In 1972 the Club of Rome published one of the earliest calls to action to preserve the environment, a book that became one of the primers for sustainable living. Authored by Donella Meadows (aka “Dana”) and Dennis Meadows, The Limits to Growth made headlines around the world. Dana was on the MIT team […]

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Conscious Evolution: A Matter of Collective Resolve

By John Renesch / June 6, 2012 / 1 Comment

June 2012 “Do you think we will do it?” This is a question that I am frequently asked when I speak about conscious evolution – the potential we have to transform ourselves and our institutions in time to avoid irreversible deterioration in our quality of life. I know we have all the ingredients to do […]

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Want to Ruin Your Message? Send in the Clowns

By John Renesch / May 6, 2012 / 0 Comments

May 2012 Have you ever watched a TV report on a public demonstration and you identified with the people demonstrating? Or participated in a demonstration yourself? If so, have you noticed the people who are drawn inevitably to large gatherings, and who take great delight in becoming the center of attention? I call them exhibitionists […]

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Destructive Distraction: Avoiding Responsibility by Indulging in Adolescent Consolations

By John Renesch / April 6, 2012 / 0 Comments

April 2012   While having breakfast with a couple of friends the other day the subject of addictions came up. The conversation turned to how various addictive behaviors allow us to avoid some unwanted experience. Both of my friends are long time members of a 12 Step program. One is a member of several. Together […]

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The Myth of Powerlessness

By John Renesch / March 3, 2012 / 1 Comment

March 2012 One of my heroes died late last year. Vaclav Havel was a source of much inspiration for me ever since he came into office as the first President of the newly-formed Czech Republic back in 1989. He was one of the first prominent political figures I knew of who publicly spoke of consciousness […]

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Mini Keynote Archives


John Eugene Renesch

May 28, 1937 – September 22, 2022

Rest in Peace and Love

John will live in our hearts and our practice.
Please keep watching his videos. reading his wisdom and passing it on.