Mini Keynote Editorials

Point, Counterpoint: A Subscriber Differs With My View

September 2010 The email below was sent by Dr. John Armstrong, a London-based engineer, in response to my July 2010 editorial, “The New Human: Stepping Into the Next Evolution of Our Species” which was adapted from my forthcoming book. Below John’s email is my response. – JR From John Armstrong: A great read, your latest […]
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Where Do The Origins of Systems Dysfunction Come From?

August 2010 As long time subscribers of this newsletter know, one of my favorite soap box topics is systems dysfunction and the value of becoming a scholar of systems dynamics and systemic thinking (see newsletter Archives for some past editorials on this subject). By systems dysfunction I mean when systems created by humans fail to […]
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The New Human: Stepping Into the Next Evolution of Our Species

July 2010 Adapted from John’s forthcoming book, The New Human: Consciously Evolving to Civilization 3.0 2010 © John Renesch Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke used a phrase I love when it comes to changing our thinking about how things have to be. In a 2004 interview in Leaders magazine the experienced […]
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Are We Becoming a Nation of Ideological Bigots?

June 2010 “The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you shine on it, the more it will contract.” ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Bigot: strong word you say? Indeed it is and it may be time to call it what it is and stop this incessant sanctimonious crossfire […]
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Corporate Citizenship: A Matter of Global Consciousness

May 2010 The following editorial is based upon an article submitted to The Journal of Corporate Citizenship in 2007, under a different title. In many ways, humanity is still in its adolescent phase. After all, we humans are a relatively recent addition in the overall scope of the world’s evolution. Like problematic teenagers, we resist […]
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Collaboration 4.0: Working Together for the Common Good

April 2010 Could it be that collaboration on a global scale may be finally catching on? Why would I say that when it would appear to have completely vanished from the halls of Congress, the U.N., and most every other established institution created by people to deal with issues affecting all of us? Why would […]
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Looking for the Turning Point for Conscious Evolution

March 2010 ‘The twentieth century will be chiefly remembered in future centuries not as an age of political conflict or technical inventions, but as an age in which human society dared to think of the welfare of the whole human race as a practical objective.’ – Arnold Toynbee* Toynbee might have been on the right […]
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The Not-so-Obvious Complicities in the Madoff Scam

February 2010 Have you been as puzzled by how Bernie Madoff pulled off possibly the biggest and longest running scam in U.S. history? How did really smart people fall for his $50-65 billion Ponzi Scheme* and remain gullible for decades? My curiosity about this seeming impossibility prompted me to dig a bit into the Madoff […]
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Engaging in the Larger Conversation Beyond Meaningful to Transcendent

January 2010 Have you ever wondered if the debates, discussions and general conversations that occupy our consciousness most of the time are all essentially “small talk” when it comes to what’s really important? I’m not saying that constructive discussion about the crises facing us today – the economy, climate change, population growth, terrorism, environmental sustainability, […]
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The End of the Superhero: A Time for Collective Heroism

December 2009 Throughout history human beings have been the beneficiaries of heroic actions, most frequently those of an outstanding individual taking a committed stand regardless of the conventional status quo, the accepted tradition or the cultural norm. Such stands have included boldness, courage, foresight, strength of character, passion, maturity, compassion and other traits we’ve seen […]
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