
John has written many articles for publication, in addition to his archived issues of his monthly newsletter, his various blogs, social commentaries and e-docs published by Brown-Herron Publishing and distributed exclusively on Amazon. Included below are links to and brief descriptions of several samples, starting with the most recent:

CEOWORLD published John's article "The Biggest Crisis in the World" in March 2019.

ThriveGlobal has published several of John's articles starting in July 2018. ThriveGlobal is an online publisher founded by Arianna Huffington, also founder of The Huffington Post. Here is the link to all of  John's articles at ThriveGlobal.

The Journal of Values-Based Leadership published John's article - "A Crisis of Commitment" - in its January 2018 issue.

John's article “Conscious Leadership Coaching” was published in the Summer 2017 issue of Coaching Psychology International (see pages 20-25).

The Journal of Futures Studies published John's article "Future-Shaping: A call For Conscious Leadership" in its December 2014 issue.

Inaugural issue of digital magazine Appreciate - published in October 2014 - features article by John on Conscious Leadership; subscription is free from iTunes.

The Futurist published this article of John's on it blog site today (March 20, 2014) about the National Ignition Facility in Livermore, California, titled "Fusion Energy: Step by Step, Closer to Becoming Reality."

"The System Has a Hole In It: Why Leaders Don't Follow Their Heroes' Examples" was published in the Winter/Spring 2014 issue of the Journal of Values-Based Leadership in February 2014

Conscious Leadership – Transformational Approaches to Bringing About a Better Future” was published  on the Internet in the Fall of 2013.

“The Conscious Organization” published in Growing Global in November 2013.

The Folly of Leadership Development: Wasting Time and Money” was published by Triarchy Press in the Summer of 2013

The Great Growing Up” was published in Integral Leadership Review, January 2013

The Conscious Organization" was published in Integral Leadership Review, October 2012

The Conscious Organization” published in the Journal of Values-Based Leadership in the Fall of 2012

The Conscious Organization” published in Spanda Journal, Summer 2012

"Mature Leaders" is an article John wrote for Leadership Excellence Magazine (see page 7), in their November 2011 issue.

The World Future Society published John's article "Beyond Adolescence: The Human Species Faces Growing Up" in its 2011 Annual Conference Volume.

"Being a Stand" is an article John wrote for Corporate Responsibility Magazine, in their May/June 2011 issue.

FUTUREtakes, the transcultural futurist magazine, published an article by John in the Spring of 2011 entitled "The New Pioneers, or... The Three Musketeers Meet Bucky Fuller."

A commentary of John's was published in Christian Science Monitor the week of August 16th, 2010 entitled "Ideological bigotry: Are you part of the problem?"

"Conscious Leadership" published in the Winter 2009/2010 issue of The Journal of Values Based Leadership

"Recovery and Beyond: Getting the Best Out of Financial Catastrophe:" A white paper published in March 2009 by Shaping Tomorrow's Foresight Network to which John was a content contributor as well a moderator for the year-long discussion from which it came.

SpandaNews published John's article "A Transformational Approach to a Sustainable Future: Conscious Leadership" in their end of 2008 issue. Other contributors include Ervin Laszlo, Peter Russell, Riane Eisler, Rupert Sheldrake and Charles Tart. John's article is on page 50.

"Conscious Leadership" published in Integral Leadership Review, October 2008 issue

"Humanizing Capitalism," published in the Journal of Human Values, January - June 2008 edition.

"A Systems View of Corporate Culture Change," published in The Ecologist magazine, June 2008 issue.

"The Conscious Organization: Workplace for the Self-Actualized," July 2007 issue of a British online journal, Spirit in Work.

O sistema me forçou a isso ("The System Made Me Do It!" in Portuguese): published in Mercado Etico, a Brazilian Futures newsletter on sustainability, June 2007.

"Leadership Literacy," published in the May 2007 issue of Leadership Excellence magazine, see back cover

"The System Made Me Do It," published in the April 26, 2007 edition of The Guardian

"Humanity's Promise: Exploring Who We Are and What We Want" is one of John's editorials which was published in January 2007 by The Club of Amsterdam on their website as part of its series on the future of consciousness.

"Humanizing Work: Surviving in the Culture of Technology:" published in the November 2006 issue of the Foresight futures journal; article may be purchased.

"Overcoming Fundamentalism in Business" is an article John was invited to contribute to Philosophy for Business, an electronic journal published by the International Society For Philosophers, in its June 2006 edition.

"Preventing Spiritual Suicide in the Workplace" is a guest article written by John which was published in World WIT (Women. Insights. Technology) in their February 2006 newsletter Thinking Aloud;

"Finding Spiritual Courage: Risking the Unfamiliar to Have the Future We Want" was published in The Club of Amsterdam Journal, November 2005; John was a keynote speaker at the Club's Summit for the Future of Risk 2006.

"Vice-President of Consciousness: Setting a New Place at the Board Meeting Table," published in the Oct-Dec 2005 issue of Soulful Living newsletter.

"Conscious Leadership: Becoming a Self-Actualized Leader;" in the monthly online newsletter Thinking Aloud, published by WorldWIT (Women, Insights, Technology) in July 2005.

"The System Made Me Do It!," published on Effective Communications in the Summer of 2005, hosted by Israel-based Azriel Winnett

"FutureShaping: Consciously Choosing a Better World": published in Portuguese in Perspektiva's newsletter, Radar 21, in the summer of 2005; also published in another language, one of John's articles has been translated and published in Chinese (click here if you read Chinese).

"Getting to God: A Radical Idea for Business Leaders:" published by the monthly online business newsletter CEO Refresher in December 2004.

"The Director as Steward of the Corporate Soul" being published in the March 2004 edition of Directors Monthly, the magazine for the National Association of Corporate Directors.

New Renaissance magazine, published in Britain, did a feature on "Awakening the Soul of Business" in its Winter 2003/2004 issue which features an article on Conscious Leadership by John as its lead piece.

"Conscious Leadership: New Thinking for New Leaders:" Published in the Winter 2003 edition of The New Body Politic, published by The John Vasconcellos Legacy Project, named after the California State Senator nicknamed "The Dean of the California Legislature."

"Inspiring Leadership: Becoming a Self-Actualized Leader:" The Australian Institute of Management published this article by John in the October 2002 issue of its bi-monthly periodical - Agenda.

"Becoming a Conscious Leader: A Call for New Leadership for New Times:" an article published on the online publisher's website.

"Hope for the Self-Actualized Worker: The Conscious Organization:" The Global Futures Forum published this article of John's in mid-September, 2002, and sent it to all its members as "this week's food for thought."

"Capitalism in Crisis: An Eagle's View" - published in July, 2002 by the World Future Society, this article is John's first writing about a systemic view of the world's most dominant economic system

"Conscious Leadership: Taking Responsibility for Our Better Future;" published in LOHAS weekly newsletter, March 1, 2001

"The Conscious Organization" was published in the August 1999 issue of Business Spirit Journal

"Stop the Drivel!" - appeared on the internet magazine Management General the second week of March 1998.

"New Leaders for a New Future:" The New Business Cosmology in Special Issue of World Futures, 1997

"Spirit & Work: Can Philosophy and Business Live Together?" in the Journal of Creatia (Korea), Spring, 1995

"New Leaders Shine Light on Shadow of Denial" in Futures journal, December 1994

"System Malfunction: Can Transformation Be Far Behind?" in World Business Academy Perspectives, 1993

"Meta-Business: An Emergence of New Consciousness," Perspectives, World Business Academy, September 1989

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