Subscribers' Comments about John's Free Monthly Newsletter

You continue to open my eyes in many areas and it is almost like pursuing an MBA in life's experiences. Keep on sharing and encouraging us... - Judy Phillip, PricewaterhouseCoopers

You deliver a great inspirational newsletter, keep up the good works! - Dana W. Wolcott, Kodak

Thank you again for your excellent newsletter and the helpful content with which you provide me on a regular basis. - Gary Patton, York University

...always a source of inspiration for me. Thank you for the work you do. You are making a difference! - Scott Averill

Your newsletter continues to prompt those of us who dare to think outside the box, to continue and not look back! - Paula Artac

I like your articles... they make me pause and think about WHAT I do and HOW I do it and WHY I do it. It's great to be the master of one's context. Scary at times, too. - Gretchen Sand

...your articles always get me thinking... - Mike Van Horn

...stimulating ideas and forward antidote to what seems today to be a steady erosion of the country's once cherished value system. - Art Hoffer

I would like to think the ideas enter the dialogue of daily life... Keep asking the questions. - Dan Weigold outstanding, thought provoking and mind expanding newsletter. - Larry Jense

...absolutely love what you are doing! I read them all. - David Banner

...a reminder that possibilities exist for our future...bigger and more miraculous than anything we've experienced in the past. - Tom Davidson

...triggers further explorations for me...I appreciate the newsletter for the invitation it provides to examine these ideas more deeply... recognizing ever more effective ways of being and interacting in the world... - Elizabeth Barron

I forwarded your newsletter to a number of friends in England and also Australia and New Zealand. Your thoughts and inquiry are brilliant, and need to be read. Again thank you for your work. - Bridget Reynolds

I have been receiving your newsletters for years... and whilst I have been a "silent" absorber of your wisdom, it has made a profound difference to the quality of my thinking... so, this is just a little note to say "Thank you" for the time you take to write it each month, and for your contribution to creating our future! - Karynne Courts, Australia


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