Mini Keynote Editorials

Position Heal Thyself: How Unhealthy Commitments Keep Us from What We Want

October 2008 In this issue: 1. Readers’ Comments 2. Newsbits 3. October Editorial: “Position Heal Thyself” 4. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 5. Quote of the Month – William H. Murray 6. Hot Link of the Month 7. Want to Blog? 8. Click and Play of the Month 1. READERS’ COMMENTS Thanks to Debby Edelstein in […]
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Children, CleanUp Your Mess First!

September, 1998 In a recent discussion with a colleague we were comparing the maturity of humankind with the human being’s life cycle here on Earth. For several years now it has seemed to me that our species is still in its adolescence, an opinion I’ve expressed frequently in articles and speeches over the past eight […]
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No Simple Solutions for Complex Problems

August, 1998 Our modern problems are no longer the result of single agents but numerous contributing factors. This is true for nearly all of our diseases, social aberrations and international conflicts. A single finger of blame cannot point to any one cause for today’s systemic abnormalities. To try to resolve these complex problems with outmoded […]
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A Time for Integration

December 1, 1999 As the countdown draws near for the year 2000 and grandiose associations are being tossed about relative to the new millennium, I was recently asked what I thought might be unique about life after December 31. In contrast to the avalanche of claims that this product, this idea, or this book is […]
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More on Spiritual Suicide: Response for the Critics

November 13, 1998 Prologue Ordinarily, my articles cover different topics but the last issue of Aha! provoked so much response – ranging from passionate criticism and disagreement to encouraging praise and appreciation – that I wanted to expand on what I wrote before. I’ve never had an article so widely-forwarded and re-published as Aha! #3. […]
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