Mini Keynote Editorials

The Parable of the Boiled Frog

September 6, 1999 The tag line for the Aha! newsletter is “the E-newsletter for the awakening workplace.” So, if the workplace has gone to sleep, what caused it to do so? How did people in the workplace get this unconscious? How did we go to sleep and allow the conditions to deteriorate to such a […]
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Consensus for a New Paradigm

September 6, 1999 I recall talking with some colleagues at a World Business Academy (WBA) meeting in the late 1980s and the word “paradigm” (pronounced ‘pair-a-dime’) was being used a lot. The word’s roots are tied to the academic and scientific communities, and popularized by Thomas Kuhn in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. […]
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Getting to the Better Future

August 6, 1999 Newsbrief #1: The Berrett-Koehler Publishers newsletter At Work is featuring an article by John in its May/June 1999 issue, which has just come out. The title of the article is “Important Work or Self-Importance?” Newsbrief #2: Reception to the July 16 posting of “The 21st Century Agenda for Business” on the Internet […]
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The New Agenda for Business

July 16, 1999 Newsbrief #1: Starting in July, John can be heard on Wisdom Radio, a new network of television and radio broadcasting, available through satellite, Internet and a few radio stations in the U.S. He’ll be doing short commentaries for WholeNEWS, a subsidiary of the Wisdom Network. Newsbrief #2: “The 21st Century Agenda for […]
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Where is Everybody?

May 14, 1999 Newsbrief #1: The late futurist Willis Harman is being honored by the World Future Society at their Ninth Annual General Assembly in Washington, DC on July 29. Charlene Harman (Willis’ wife for over 55 years) will be accepting the Society’s Distinguished Service Award on his behalf. Newsbrief #2: John will be co-hosting […]
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The Conscious Organization

March 10, 1999 If you were paying attention to the recent literature of what might be called the “new paradigm movement” or the overlapping worlds of the New Age and business transformation movement, you’ve probably seen a now-famous quote by South African President Nelson Mandela. The passage is incredibly uplifting. It has been repeated by […]
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Using Heroes and Heroines While We Still Can

March 10, 1999 If you were paying attention to the recent literature of what might be called the “new paradigm movement” or the overlapping worlds of the New Age and business transformation movement, you’ve probably seen a now-famous quote by South African President Nelson Mandela. The passage is incredibly uplifting. It has been repeated by […]
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Important Work vs Self-Importance

January 13, 1999 I have now spent over a decade and a half of my life focused on the transformation of society and, in particular, nudging the business community toward taking a constructive leadership role to that end. This focus began in 1982 when I met Willis Harman, the late visionary and author who could […]
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Hyper-Capitalism: What Ever Happened to Free Markets?

December 2008 In this issue: 1. Readers’ Comments 2. Newsbits 3. December Editorial: “Hyper-Capitalism: What Ever Happened to Free Markets?” 4. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 5. Quote of the Month – James Thurber 6. Hot Link of the Month 7. Want to Blog? 8. Click and Play of the Month 1. READERS’ COMMENTS Thanks to […]
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A Conversation with the Future

NOVEMBER 2008 In this issue: 1. Newsbits 2. November Editorial: “A Conversation with the Future” 3. Preview: Next Month’s Editorial 4. Quote of the Month – Emmet Fox 5. Want to Blog? 1. NEWSBITS Meltdown Wisdom Belgium banker Bernard Lietaer is posting papers on his website that shed lots of light on what happened and […]
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