Mini Keynote Editorials

Executive Maturity

May 3, 2000 Did you know that approximately 75% of executives in U.S. companies are functionally adolescents? According to Larry Liberty, author of a forthcoming book on executive maturity, this percentage might even be conservative. With over 25 years of consulting experience, Liberty estimates that there are very few true adults in the workplace and […]
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Transcendent Leadership

April 3, 2000 Response to Last Aha! Several subscribers wrote me that they look forward to the day when their firms can retain the services of a “Vice President of Consciousness” – the theme of Aha! #20. A British consultant informed me that he has been retained in a very similar role after completing a […]
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Vice-President of Consciousness

March 7, 2000 Setting a New Place at the Board Meeting Table While I was serving as Editor-in-Chief for The New Leaders business newsletter a few years back, Robert Rabbin wrote a column for us called “The Corporate Mystic.” Rabbin wrote Invisible Leadership in 1998 and has a new book coming out this month entitled […]
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Learning to Find the Lessons

February 5, 2000 FLASH: New Book…Getting to the Better Future: A Matter of Conscious Choosing is available directly from the author. See his new web site and preview the book at John Renesch and click on the front cover of the new book. Recently, I went on a trip that included stops at the University […]
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God Bless Those Truckers

January 1, 2000 In this issue: Newsbrief: Wheatley, Lowe, Elgin and Others Join Co-signers for “The 21st Century Agenda for Business” on the Internet. Editorial: God Bless Those Truckers, by John Renesch Newsbrief: “Stalker” Attacks Roddick and Renesch at Peter Russell Writes Guest Editorial for eCHOICE Newsbrief: Berrett-Koehler to Publish Paperback of Working Together […]
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Why Real Change Programs So Often Fail

January 12, 2000 All of us are living and working within systems – systems that have enormous influence over us and our everyday decisions and actions. Few of us have any true appreciation for the forces these systems impose. Most of these forces – these powerful influences – are well below our normal consciousness. We […]
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Are We Really Too Busy?

December 22, 1999 While I wouldn’t ordinarily be writing a second issue of Aha! in December, I wanted to examine a major event in my life this past year, sharing some wonderment, and ask you the reader for some feedback. So, this is a “special issue” of Aha! , but it is also a request. […]
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Touched By My Privilege

November 8, 1999 In the hotel corridor I was introduced to this incredibly beautiful young Nigerian woman who was one of the participants in the fifth annual State of the World Forum, sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation in San Francisco. Her name was Khafila Abiola and she was attending the Forum with her older sister […]
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Driving Your Stake in the Sand: Owning One’s Destiny

October 12, 1999 I was told once that nothing meaningful ever happens until someone takes a stand. I know that my life changed very dramatically one day in 1985 when I took a stand on a personal issue, between myself and another person. It had to do with walking tall for my own self-respect after […]
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Being Slaves to Our Attachments

September 29, 1999 We’ve been hearing it for decades: People resist change, especially people in organizations. Managers, consultants and business academics have consistently added to this “reality” as they have personal experience after experience that supports their perceptions. Organization development consultants – those people who are charged with facilitating large scale change, corporate culture change […]
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Mini Keynote Archives
