Where is the Kingdom of Heaven?

By John Renesch / March 3, 2019 / 0 Comments

In early 2019, Franciscan mystic Richard Rohr featured a guest editorial by Episcopal priest Cynthia Bourgeault in his Daily Meditation*newsletter. Bourgeault focused on the familiar phrase known to Christians as “the kingdom of Heaven.” She writes:  So, what is the Kingdom of Heaven? Biblical scholars have debated this question for almost as long as there […]

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The Greatest Pretender

By John Renesch / February 3, 2019 / 1 Comment

February 2019 In 1956, the Platters (pictured below) recorded their biggest R&B hit – “The Great Pretender” (watch them on YouTube). Memories of that song – in particular its title – came to me when I was considering how clever the finite mind is in creating pretense. In that nondual place of infinite awareness – […]

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The Coin-Operated CEO

By John Renesch / December 1, 2000 / 0 Comments

December 1, 2000 In this issue: Newsbrief: Executive Roundtables Being Formed Editorial: The Coin-Operated CEO, by John Renesch Newsbrief: Ciba Executive Writes Guest Editorial for eCHOICE Newsbrief: Special Holiday Offer Announcements ******************************************************* NEWSBRIEF: Executive Roundtables Being Formed The Conscious Leadership Roundtable was announced on November 8 – the first membership group consisting of senior executives […]

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Being Busy But Not Responsible

By John Renesch / November 1, 2000 / 0 Comments

November 1, 2000 In this issue: Newsbrief: Journal for the New Culture: LOHAS Journal Being Busy But Not Responsible, by John Renesch More Newsbriefs; Industrial Chaplains?? Announcements ******************************************************* NEWSBRIEF: Journal for the New Culture: LOHAS Journal : John has been asked to write an article on the work he’s doing with his new Canterbury partnership […]

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Whining While Complicit

By John Renesch / October 1, 2000 / 0 Comments

October 1, 2000 In this issue: Whining While Complicit, by John Renesch More Newsbriefs New Name Selected for Aha! Announcements ************************************************************* NEWSBRIEF: According to Po Bronson, author of Nudist on the Late Shift, “People in Silicon Valley are not happy, and have no ambition to be happy. They want to live the ‘great lie’.” He […]

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The First Law of Systems: Survive at All Costs

By John Renesch / September 1, 2000 / 0 Comments

September 1, 2000 In this issue: The First Law of Systems: Survive at All Costs, by John Renesch Newsbriefs Prize Offered for New Name Special Offers ************************************************************* NEWSBRIEF: “Conscious Leadership” is John’s editorial in the September issue of eCHOICE (see below for more information). This article is based upon a longer piece that John wrote […]

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The “In-moded” Way of Thinking

By John Renesch / August 2, 2000 / 0 Comments

August 1, 2000 In this issue: The “In-moded” Way of Thinking, by John Renesch Newsbriefs Previews of eCHOICE Special Offers ************************************************************* NEWSBRIEF: Riane Eisler, author of The Partnership Way and the visionary who foresees a future where neither the masculine nor the feminine dominates but they exist in partnership, is the only woman named among […]

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True Learning and Real Change

By John Renesch / July 1, 2000 / 0 Comments

July 1, 2000 Newsbriefs: John Interviewed on Wisdom Radio John is scheduled to be interviewed by New Dimensions host Michael Toms for the Wisdom Network radio show “Spirit of the Times” on Monday, July 3 from 4 to 6 PM PDT. The interview is scheduled to be live and can be heard via the Internet, […]

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Liking the Poetry vs Living the Poem

By John Renesch / June 1, 2000 / 0 Comments

June 6, 2000 Newsbriefs: Profits Mix with Prophets on the Web The June 13 issue of Business 2.0 magazine features THREE articles on what many would call the “softer” issues of business – one on trust in the workplace, another Zen-like piece on using the Web to access meaning and happiness, and a third article […]

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Executive Maturity

By John Renesch / May 1, 2000 / 0 Comments

May 3, 2000 Did you know that approximately 75% of executives in U.S. companies are functionally adolescents? According to Larry Liberty, author of a forthcoming book on executive maturity, this percentage might even be conservative. With over 25 years of consulting experience, Liberty estimates that there are very few true adults in the workplace and […]

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