John in the Media

Over the years, several articles and interviews have appeared in the media about John and his work. Samplings from 1996 onward are included here:

"Conscious Leadership Explained" is an article published in August 2016 by Thought Patrol, an online Australian publication, which refers to John's work.

Article by Barry Lipscomb for The Focalizing Institute, "Holding Space as An Essential Leadership Quality," that mentions the work of MIT's Otto Scharmer and John in July 2014.

Interview of John by Mitchell Rabin on Better World Radio, in October 2013

Article in the Sydney Morning Herald citing John’s work, July 12, 2013

Interview of John by Bettina Gordon on "Conscious Lifestyle," November 2011

Interview of John featured in real estate website: Entitled "New Thinking for New Possibilities: An Interview With a Visionary" the interview was published by and viewed in December 2009.

Forbes magazine in Brazil published a double page feature story on John, July 7, 2006, titled "The Soul of the Business;" the interview was done by Mirna Grzich in Sao Paulo when John was there to speak at a conference sponsored by the Ethos Institute. the Brazilian edition of Forbes magazine is published in Portuguese.

Interview of John on Corporate Social Responsibility in May 2006 issue of a newsletter published by economie, a U.K.-based company that aims to help create a world where investment with social, environmental and ethical consideration is the universal norm; John will be a keynote speaker at their October 2006 conference in Zurich.

Global Dialogue Center's podcast of Debbe Kennedy's interview of John can be downloaded at this link - just click, click and listen; this virtual event included several participants who asked questions to stimulate the conversation which took place in early 2006.

Creating Internal Leadership Cultures mentions the work of John, Peter Senge, Charles Handy and Kees van der Heijden in this December 2005 article in Chief Learning Officer.

Challenge for Our Times: Do We Have the Courage to Live Together? published in Issue #6 of Addictions HQ newsletter in February, 2004, based on an interview with John about the potential for having a better world.

"The Soul of Business in South Africa," is an article in Equity Skills News & Views, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 12, 2004 which cites a short statement by John about the "spirit at work" movement and an upcoming event in Johannesburg.

The Higher Self Gets Down to Business is the title of this 2003 article published by Christianity Today magazine, who interviewed several people at the Spirit in Business conference in Manhattan including John, Peter Senge, the Dalai Lama's special envoy, Lodi Gyari, Terry Mollner and others.

The Leadership Spirit, an article by Connie LaMotta and Victoria James, was published in the direct marketing periodical Direct Newsline. February 2003, which included an excerpt from John's article on "bogus leadership."

Science of Mind magazine features an interview of John in this article - "A New Perspective on Leadership," written by Barbara Stahura and featured in their August 2002 issue.

Association of Professional Futurists: An interview of John by the Association of Professional Futurists Director Randy Scheel published on their website in June, 2002.

Radio interview: Hear John's interview with New York City broadcaster Paul Sladkus about getting to the better future, which he writes about in his latest book. In Real Audio.

Vision and Values: A Glimpse of Bay Spirituality, appeared in November 26, 2000 issue of The San Francisco Chronicle; John is one of the Bay Area authors covered in this article by Pat Sullivan.

Future News: Article entitled "The End of Capitalism" published in the April 2002 issue of this Australian newsletter produced by The Futures Foundation based in Sydney. John's writings are featured along with the work of Charles Handy, Paul Hawken and Hazel Henderson.

An Evangelist for a Better World: An Interview with a Modern Visionary: Title of an article about John by Molly Stone done in Spring 2002.

Make Way for New Models of Leadership: Written by Tom Brown who selects the "Top Ten" U.S. business books each year, this article was published in several trade publications in 1997. It references the work John has done in bringing about new thinking in business.

"Through the Needle's Eye: The Spiritual CEO:" John was interviewed along with several others for this 1996 article by Joseph McCarthy in Chief Executive magazine.

"Finding Meaning At Work:" John was interviewed and suggested additional interviewees for this article by journalist Glenn Rifkin in the Fourth Quarter, 1996 issue of Strategy + Business.

Design a Better Future: Based on a 1996 interview of John by former Editor-in-Chief Perry Pascarella, this article was part of a four page color feature in Industry Week magazine. John addresses the role of business in humanity's conscious evolution in this interview.

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